Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Ra and Estarra's brain exercise (don't try this at home)


ok then


The name’s Champ
Chump v/s champ
Grump v/s gramp
Chubby champ
Chubby dubby
Chubby duckling
Chubbly duck
Duckling dust
Duck fry
Fried Chubling
Chubling ice
Chub Bling bling
Bling Bling Singh
Bing is Kinng
Bing is king bing is king
King Bling
Kings C Bling
Blatantly Bling
Bltantly Singh
Singhfully Bling
The Seven Singhs
3 wise Singhs
Singing Manmohan
Singhing, “Man More Hun”
“Man mohanaaaaa”
Atilla the Manmohan
Im done


Vimal said...

are you alright? :)

Prez said...

What does it look like?

Vimal said...

:D seriously, what is this?

Prez said...

It's a work exercise :)

Vimal said...

i was wondering abt that... i thought it looked like that word-morph game where u start with a word and end with another... work-word-ward-lard-lark..

and oh...u say "automen"!! lol! superman, batman, spiderman, automan?

Prez said...

Vodafone was the cause of it all and then it went out of hand into a 'brain exorcise'.

Yes, Automan! What would his superpower be?

Vimal said...

Vodafone? er....~nods and pretends to understand~

i know the automan's costume! A black t-shirt under an unbuttoned khaki shirt and a towel on the shoulder! and once they sit in the auto (u know how some of them fold one knee over and sit on the foot!), they jus zip thru the traffic like the Road Runner, while traffic policemen, like Wile E. Coyote set traps for them at every intersection!

We can create a comic strip, u know!!! :D